March 19, 2004

April 12 Symposium: Internet, Law, & Culture

by Announcement

The De Novo Symposium on Internet, Law, and Culture is scheduled for the week of April 5, and we are currently accepting submissions via e-mail. We intend this topic to be broad, ranging from pornography to the PATRIOT Act to private companies' collection and sale of data.

Please send your thoughts or proposed submission to submit-at-blogdenovo-dot-org, and please spread the word so people who want to contribute don't miss the chance.

Thanks for the excellent response to our first four days!

March 19, 2004 12:37 AM | TrackBack

This June I shall be celebrating my 50th anniversary of graduation from law school. Your site performs a valuable service for those contemplating law school, those in law school and graduates of all ages who reflect upon their careers post-law school. In my semi-retirement of just over 5 years, I have been exploring the Internet and auditing undergraduate classes at a local university, focusing upon constitutional law (which I did not practice to any significant extent), other legal-related courses, political science and philosophy. I do not have a contribution to offer at this time concerning my law school experiences, but I would like to bring to the attention of your viewers a draft article by Professors Sanford Levinson and Jack M. Balkin, "What Are The Facts Of Marbury v. Madison?" to be published in Constitutional Commentary sometime this year. Those interested can contact Prof. Balkin at his Balkinization website for the link to download this draft which should be of great interest not only to law students but also to law professors and practicing attorneys. The article addresses many more cases than Marbury v. Madison. What are the facts of a particular case? Can they be discerned from the decision itself? If not, how does one get the facts? Casebooks and law professors may focus upon selected facts of a particular case. Profs. Levinson and Balkin have produced an article that all law students should be aware of.

Posted by: Shag from Brookline at March 19, 2004 09:37 AM

Have enjoyed the "public service" dimensions of your site. Why are we talking about the disappearance of the information commons, with BLOGS like yours (amongst the many others).
In the light of Dennis Paterson's comments about "pop social science" - is the link between internet, law and culture, likely to evoke sympathetic amusement from Atticus and friends?
I wonder if Balkin's approach of devising a brief reading list may help.

Keep up this good work.

Posted by: joseph at March 20, 2004 04:39 AM
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